How To Get The Most Out Of Spin Class
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How To Get The Most Out Of Spin Class
Even though it’s summer and it’s oh-so-tempting to be lazy, you’ve made a commitment to stick with your exercise routine – and that means spin classes you don’t want to skip. That’s great! But the classes and the exercises are just one part of a holistic regimen that makes every second of spin as efficient as it can be. If you really want to super-charge your workout, you want to get the most out of every class.
Here are some useful tips to remember before, during, and after your classes that might leave you sore – but always coming back for more!
1. Make sure your spin studio is accessible.
Long drives, expensive parking (or a lack of it entirely), or inconvenient time slots can really impact how often you make it to your classes. Consider all of this when choosing a venue, so that they don’t become obstacles rather than encouragement.
2. Invest in good spin class apparel.
Sure, the Peloton, Schwinn, and Stages bikes might be top-of-the-line, but if your shoes are pinching, your towel is falling apart, and your clothes are getting caught on everything around you, you’re bound to have a bad time. Before you cycle, research and invest in good-quality gear that can keep up with you, keep you comfortable, get your hair out of your eyes, and contribute to a high-intensity workout.
3. Find the right spin instructors for you.
Are you always super pumped and ready to give 110% for each class? Or do you like to start slow and build up to the big finish? We’re all a little different, and that’s okay. Try out different instructors and staff until you have the one that suits your vibe. After all, it’s hard to stay motivated if you’re not really feeling the energy in the room until your time is almost up.
4. Leave time to stretch, adjust, and prep.
If you’re serious about spin, you’re going to want to save some time in your schedule for pre- and post-workout stretches, bike adjustments, and other minor setup activities. It may seem redundant, but using these proper habits every time will not only help you recover, but will make your ride more efficient overall, without burning you out early. (Stretching is also just good for you in general.)
5. Proper posture is important.
Are you feeling too much pressure on your wrists? Are your hips getting sore within the first few minutes? Proper ergonomic posture is key to a good workout, and it’s surprising how many people don’t position themselves properly on a bike – despite the injuries that bad posture can cause. Always set up your bike to fit you, and during the ride you should be aware of your wrist, elbow, spine, and hip positions, so you can avoid over-exertion in problem areas and generate power without adverse effects.
There are many more tips that any spin class student can use, but these are the basics to get the most results for your time and effort. When done correctly, and with the right gear, spin classes are a great way to get exercise and stay in shape – so use these tips wisely, and don’t forget to use your favorite spin bike accessories (like our spintowel) to keep the sweat off the handlebars and out of your way!
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